The Many Health Benefits of Fish Oil Tablets
Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the many functions of our body. Along with this, these important acids are known to be able to help prevent some serious diseases. These are
fatty acids that our own bodies can’t produce themselves. Instead,
fish oil tablets have become a popular way for people in many parts of the world to attain a sufficient amount of these acids. These essential fatty acids include Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
Fish oil tablets have many health benefits. Some of them include these benefits:
Heart disease
After much study, the American Heart Association has found that omega 3 is actually very effective in preventing the possibility of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore taking fish oil tablets, which contain plentiful amounts of omega 3, can lower the levels of bad cholesterol such as LDL cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol. Also, fish oil tablets can help in reducing the risk of heart arrhythmias and heart diseases. Fish oil has even been found to be effective in treating heart strokes. In fact, a regular usage of fish oil can reduce the number of sudden cardiac deaths.
Your immune system benefits from the omega 3 fatty acids because of the effect of these acids on the cytokines and eicosanoids present in our body. Therefore, a regular usage of fish oil tablets is believed to be able to increase your immunity. You will be able to reduce the occurrence of catching the common cold, the cough, or the flu.
The use of fish oil tablets by pregnant women has been found to be able to help with the development of the baby’s brain and eyes. Also, it can help in keeping away from low weight at birth, premature births, and even miscarriages. Also, an adequate intake of the EPA and DHA by pregnant women during pregnancy has also been proven to be able to prevent a depression after giving birth.
Skin Care
Fish oil also has been known to help in improving the condition of skin which is dry by making it glowing and shining as well. It can treat an assortment of skin problems including itchiness, skin lesions, rashes, psoriasis, and eczema. By having a regular consumption of fish oil tablets, you will be able to help in keeping the moisture of your skin. It is even believed to be able to prevent sunburns.
Depression and Anxiety
The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil tablets help in relieving depression, restlessness, stress, anxiety, and other nervous disorders. Fish oil tablets can also be useful in keeping a stable mood and treating bipolar disorders.
Eye disorders
Fish oil is known for its ability to actually improve vision and help avoid age related macular degeneration.
Along with all of this,
fish oil tablets can also benefit you by aiding in ADHD, cancer, weight loss, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, acne, arthritis, ulcers, inflammation, and fertility.
20.05.2008. 06:58
Anne 20.06.2009. 09:44
Ian 22.12.2009. 21:28
J.D. 02.01.2010. 22:57
krysta 02.02.2010. 14:46
Rosalva Arellano 31.07.2010. 10:48
Claudette Gant 04.03.2011. 19:04
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