The Side Effects of Spirulina

The Common Side Effects of Spirulina

Increased body temperature, one common side effect of Spirulina, should not be mistaken for fever as it results from extra protein metabolism by the body. Digestive changes occur as a normal side effect of Spirulina when it is first introduced in the diet; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence or abdominal cramps may occur due to the diet changes. Increased intake of water usually takes care of the symptoms. If the side effects persist and you experience stomach ache or discomfort, discontinue usage and do check with your doctor.

Why does the Side Effect Occur?

The perceived side effects could occur in passing and might last for about 2 weeks; if the side effects of Spirulina improve with time, rest assured that the effect is only a result of detoxification process.

Because Spirulina is blue green algae, you can develop an allergic skin rash as a side effect of Spirulina, especially if your system is sensitive. Consumption of Spirulina in very high concentrations can cause liver and kidney damage due to the high nucleic acid content in the organic matter; the product is not toxic at the normally prescribed doses.

If you are relatively healthy, you can safely use the product in the right dose, and enjoy the multitude of health benefits without experiencing any significant side effects of Spirulina.

Does the Side Effects of Spirulina Make It Unsafe?

Spirulina is a natural food supplement rich in soluble vegetable protein. Because the product shows numerous benefits that outnumber the side effects of Spirulina, it is seen as a value addition for good health. Although the excess protein moves out of the system as waste and does not cause any known adverse side effects, it is necessary to stick to the prescribed dosage.

Every individual is different; although Spirulina is healthy, nutritious and beneficial food supplement, the occurrence of side effects of Spirulina depends on dosage and quality of the product in reference to your body chemistry. Consult with your doctor on the specific dosage and also inform the doctor if you already take any other prescription drug for any prevailing disease condition.

Are There Any Contraindications due to Side Effects?

The significance of side effects of Spirulina is to identify and treat any undiagnosed health condition. Spirulina of good quality is naturally safe in most healthy individuals, but it might cause harm in the presence of a medical condition; if you are diabetic or are predisposed to gout, talk to your physician before trying the product.

Spirulina is also contraindicated in medical conditions if you are taking hormonal or blood pressure medicines; this is because the product negatively interacts with certain drugs.

Also, pregnant women are not advised to consume Spirulina so as to prevent heavy metal toxicity; the algae have a tendency to absorb toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead and cadmium from polluted environmental sources.

The common side effects of Spirulina are no cause for alarm as it would subside in time. Do consult your physician before consuming Spirulina, especially if you belong to any of these high risk group of individuals.

12.10.2011. 05:43


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