The Benefits of Purslane

Common Purslane is an herb that is known throughout the world for its many uses. Its scientific name is Portulaca oleracea. Many people in the United States consider purslane to be nothing more than just a weed but throughout the world, it has been used to treat disorders ranging from fever and stomach aches to hemorrhoids.

Hippocrates, who was known as the father of medicine in ancient Greece, used purslane to heal wounds. Also, purslane was used as an ingredient in a fresh salad mixture to fight the common cold in the 17th century. Today, common purslane is gaining popularity as an edible weed that is full of nutritional value.

Continue reading Comments (0) 24.10.2010. 03:05

Vegetarian Omega-3 Fish Oil Alternative

Omega 3 Basics for Vegetarians

Vegetarianism is becoming extremely common in today's world. Even so, those on a vegetarian diet still face a host of hurdles when it comes to nutrition. Their biggest problem tends to be getting the essential vitamins, minerals, and macrobiotics their bodies need. One such example would be essential fatty acids.

Continue reading Comments (3) 19.10.2010. 23:54